We help first RESPONDERS secure federal funding

Our grant writing experts help you get the funding you need to be better equipped and staffed to make your community safer.

start to finish project management

guidance from emergency service experts

Applications done right the first time

Are you feeling the pinch of:

  • Worrying about the safety of your team?

  • Being desperate for adequate resources?

  • Multiple failed funding attempts?

  • Dealing with unfunded mandates?

  • Feeling overwhelmed in the grant application process?

Get On the Path To a Successfully Funded Project

  • Grant Consulting

    Grant Consulting

    It all begins with learning what grants your department and project qualifies for. We will save you countless hours, planning meetings, and frustration by pointing you in the right direction from the start.

  • Grant Writing

    Grant Writing

    Whether you quality for Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG), Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER), or Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S), we will help get your application written and submitted correctly the first time.

  • Project Management

    Project Management

    Getting your product funded is just the beginning. We will manage your project to the very end and ensure you remain compliant with all federal regulations so you do not compromise future projects.

We get it –
getting the funding you need can feel impossible.

We are first responders, too. And we have helped departments just like yours secure over $121,000,000 in federal funding so they can make their communities safer.

OFRG was able to secure a Vehicle Acquisition Grant through AFG. This Award helped us accomplish a goal that seemed impossible a year ago in allowing us to update our fleet and give our Firefighters the SAFE and EFFECTIVE Apparatus that they deserve!
— David Myers
Extremely knowledgeable of all aspects of the AFG process. And so helpful and will give you the best possible chance to get a AFG Grant. Thanks for all the Help and Knowledge it’s greatly appreciated. Keep up the awesome work
— Michael Murray, Harris-Elmore FD

 How It Works


have a conversation

Click below to call us now. We will take a moment to get to know you, your department, and your funding needs. It all starts with a no-obligation call.


Find out what you qualify for

Most departments qualify for at least some kind of federal funding. We will match your project with the right grant and get you started in the right direction.


get a funding expert in your corner

We will help prepare, write and submit your grant application. Then, we will manage your project from start to finish, keeping you compliant with all federal regulations.

Our heart for first responders

We care because we are first responders, too. We know what it’s like to try to serve your community and department well with limited resources. That is why we founded Nationwide First Responder Grants- because we believe federal funding should be within reach for all first responders.