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Causes we believe in.
The Phoenix Project
The Phoenix Project is a passion project resulting from a group of Central Ohio First Responders who share a common urge to help others find their path to mental health and physical health resiliency.
The group identified “First Responders” as anyone who works in law enforcement, fire/EMS, and dispatchers. We all share connections to the rigors of daily service to our communities and with that comes associated trauma and impact on our mental health.
The Phoenix Project name resulted from a consensus feeling of the group who all shared their own mental health struggles and how they felt after getting help. “Rise From The Ashes” felt like a common experience for all who have sought professional help through the resources available.
Break the stigma placed on mental health
Introduce and share resources that operate in this space
Financially support non-profit organizations that support first responders
In order to achieve the three main goals set forth, the group is hosting the 3rd annual symposium highlighting speakers who will share their experiences of overcoming mental health struggles.
The symposium will also feature guest speaker representatives from two major non-profit organizations that operate in the mental health space, saving countless lives in the process. First Responders’ Bridge and Save a Warrior will both present life-changing awareness and key resource information to attendees.
Lastly, we have connected with over 15 other resources that provide treatment and assistance to first responders with mental health struggles. Each resource will have a space set up to connect with symposium attendees.
Ohio ASSIST is a partnership between the Ohio State Highway Patrol and OhioMHAS
Ohio ASSIST is a three-day Post Critical Incident Seminar (PCIS) for Ohio First Responders (Law enforcement, fire / EMS, dispatch and local corrections) at no cost to the agency or the individual.
PCIS is best described as participant driven, peer facilitated, and clinician supported.
Ohio has held 11 PCIS with 297 first responders and support persons having attended since 2017.
Ohio ASSIST partners with 10 other states, sharing peers and resources for PCIS in these states.
PCIS gives participants the chance to talk about their trauma and the effects it has had on them, their families, their agency and their communities.
Participants are given the opportunity to meet with clinicians, familiar with public safety in a one-on-one environment to discuss any issues or concerns they have.
Participants meet in small groups to have conversations with other first responders who have been involved in similar incidents. This allows them to see that they are not alone in their issues and concerns and that they are having a normal reaction to an abnormal circumstance for them, right then.
Issues such as suicide, addiction, physiological effects of stress, relationship and communication issues, faith, fear and coping are discussed as lectures and in small groups.
Peers, who have received training from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and have also been participants themselves, are utilized to support the participants.
Peers come from agencies all over the state including state, county and municipal public safety as well as spouses and professional staff.
A licensed and certified clinician serves as the clinical director to oversee the mental health aspects of the program.
Hold the Line
HOLD THE LINE is an annual wellness summit exclusively for veterans & first responders to gather together to connect, and to inspire, motivate, and encourage you to prioritize your health & wellness as guardians — and as people.
Tunnel to Towers & Guardian Revival
We are two 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations with a mission to serve veterans, first responders, and their families, and we are collaborating to bring you this special event.